[78-L] The 78-L list will be down for 30 minutes for backup

Ron Fial ron at fial.com
Mon Apr 12 22:42:55 PDT 2010

Yes, I backup the entire server that hosts 78-L.  Someday I hope to get the entire archive of previous years back online so it is searchable. I lost that ability when we had to change from Phorum software with 'Sendmail' to Mailman software with the Postfix.mail server.I will be in Houston for the next 3 days at a telecomm. conference.Regards,    Ron Fial_________________Ron Fial wrote:
> The 78-L list is shutting down for abouty 30 minutes for complete backup.
>    Ron Fial
You mean you're saving this stuff!

Mike (I do to) Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com 

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