[78-L] Joe Meek related 1950s 78s - USA and Canada

Glenn Longwell glongwell at snet.net
Mon Apr 12 19:10:52 PDT 2010

Yes, Columbia 40759 is on US 78.  I have it.  Just picked it up a couple weeks ago in a small collection.


--- On Mon, 4/12/10, Han Enderman <jcenderman at solcon.nl> wrote:

From: Han Enderman <jcenderman at solcon.nl>
Subject: [78-L]  Joe Meek related 1950s 78s - USA and Canada
To: "78-L" <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
Date: Monday, April 12, 2010, 7:09 PM

I don't know who is Joe Meek (but then I checked Wikipedia .... ooh how useful), 
but here is some info on 78 series (from label images):

Co 40758 & -62/69 were on US 78s, and 40704 & -69 on Canadian 78s, thus pres. 
40759 also on both.

Quality 1833: label image available. States: By Arr'mt. with Laurie Records.

Prob. Mer 71181 is on 78, since 71180 is.
There were also Canadian Mercurys, for ex. 71132 & -209 (made by Quality).

Cap: F-prefix used for 45s. Canadian 78s common to over nr 4000. Late US 78s only for hits.

London 1834 seems to late for a 78 (last 78 image I have is 1755).

Han Enderman
>>> Mike Preston was on London in Canada but we were getting 45 promos by that time so I dunno.

Lonnie Donegan was probably on a Canadian Pye pressing. Mercury 71181 is 1957, derfinitely within the 78 framework for Canada, but I've never seen Lonnie on Canadian (or US) Mercury..it could even still have been on Quality.

I think I've seen the Anne Shelton on Canadian Columbia 78.

Johnny Duncan on Capitol is adjacent to Stan Freberg's "Wun'erful, Wun'erful (3815) and would have been released on 78 here.

> Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 22:06:28 +0000
> To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com
> From: agp2176 at verizon.net
> Subject: [78-L] Joe Meek related 1950s 78s - USA and Canada
> I'm am trying to document Joe Meek related recordings on 78. I know 
> that there are a whole whack available in the UK. That'll be fairly 
> easy to acquire and document. Its when I get to releases outside the 
> UK, particularly the USA and Canada, that I need some help.
> Anne Shelton - Lay Down Your Arms - Philips PB 616 in the UK
> USA: Columbia 40759 -- this was no doubt a 78
> Canada: same as USA?
> Chris Barber's Jazz Band - Petite Fleuer - Pye Jazz NJ 2026 in the UK
> USA: Laurie 3022 -- no 78
> Canada: Quality 1833 - this was a 78
> Lonnie Donegan & his Skiffle Group - Puttin' on the Style - Pye Nixa 
> N 15093 in the UK
> USA: Mercury 71181 - did this make it as a 78?
> Canada: London ?
> Johnny Duncan & his Blue Grass Boys - Last Train to San Fernanado 
> Columbia DB 3959 in the UK
> USA: Capitol F3814 - too late for a US release on 78? I'm guessing it is
> Canada: Capitol F3814 - probably a 78 there
> Mike Preston - A House A Car and A Wedding Ring - Decca F 11053 in the UK
> USA: London 1834 -- too late for a 78?
> Canada: London ?
> Can anyone help me determine if there were USA or Canadian 78s of these
> T
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