[78-L] The Ramblers in Brussels ( 1945 - 1948)

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Tue Mar 16 11:49:34 PDT 2010

David Lennick wrote:
> Hey, who reads prefaces?

And you also don't read instruction books either, right?  Including the 
one about setting your computer clock for daylight saving time--or are 
you still on standard?  I'm getting answers to your questions or 
comments before you asked them or made them.
>  And the 1948 version of Delaunay is the only one I 
> ever encounter. $12 (or probably traded records for it) at the Jazz & Blues 
> Centre in the mid 70s..those were the days.
> dl

I couldn't believe that nobody bid on a 1940 Commodore printing of the 
38 on a Nauction a year or so ago, so I got it on the unsold list for 
three bucks.  A GREAT copy, too.  I has marks and neat underlinings from 
the former owner, which happened to be an Ivy League dorm! Harvard I 
think (it's not at hand)  Showed the interests of those Ivy League White 
Boys!  And a listing for Zulus Ball is neatly penned in.  Also found a 
48 recently with a fancy binding glued over the real one. 

Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com 

> Han Enderman wrote:
>> No no !
>> Delaunay 1936 has a Reinhardt chapter starting the section "Some European recordings" (p.247).
>> Of course not too much at that time (1934-36). Also Warlop.
>> Also some (1934-38) in the Commodore 1943 reprint (p.343), poss. from 1938 ed., which is not at hand.
>> But the French 1943 ed. has a real section "Europe", p.445-513 !
>> In the 1948 ed. preface (p.XI) Dalaunay says that selected European recordings will be listed in the first
>> supplement, for reasons of space.
>> But in the multivolume H.D.Encyclopedique (c.1951-52) most European recs are absent;
>> for ex. Eddie Brunner with Bill Coleman (listed in 1943 ed.; but in later eds. not under Brunner or Coleman).
>> However, Carter's English recs are included.
>> Rust - in general - lists US & British jazz, but only a very small part of other jazz recordings.
>> Han Enderman
>> ===
>> David Lennick comments regarding Brian Rust's musical likes: "Rust 
>> wasn't alone in letting his opinions run rampant. Delaunay never listed
>> Django Reinhardt except as a sideman. No listings as a leader, no 
>> listings for the Quintette. Ditto Grappelly."
>> True enough, Delaunay does not have a listing section in "Hot 
>> Discography" devoted to Reinhardt or Grappelly, but he did produce a 
>> separate Reinhardt discography. It has always puzzled me why he did not 
>> include sections on Reinhardt and Grappelly in any edition of his "Hot 
>> Discography." In some respects, Rust is as unbending on musical 
>> preferences as Panassié.
>> <<<
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