[78-L] an interesting Bullet record

Jeff Sultanof jeffsultanof at gmail.com
Sun Mar 14 10:32:06 PDT 2010

Little Jack Frost, Get Lost dates from 1947. It is a cute little song; I
never knew that Ellis co-wrote it. Ray McKinley or Tex Beneke recorded it (I
don't have my discographies right here), and I once had an aircheck of
Geraldo's orchestra with a vocal group performing the song.

Jeff Sultanof

On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 1:06 PM, Malcolm Rockwell <malcolm at 78data.com>wrote:

> Waidaminnit...
> I just spotted a Seger Ellis on Bullet 1011 on ePay.
> http://cgi.ebay.com/Bullet-Records78-Seger-Ellis-LittleJackFrost-GetLost_W0QQitemZ260564904756QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMusic_on_Vinyl?hash=item3caae0eb34
> Seger Ellis?
> I didn't know he recorded this late, or could it be booted from an
> earlier recording?
> Mal
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