[78-L] Don't Do That to the Poor Puss Cat

Malcolm Rockwell malcolm at 78data.com
Thu Mar 11 09:21:15 PST 2010

True. But I assumed it was a pseudonym and so looked in the song title 
index first.


David Lennick wrote:
> But it doesn't list Roof Garden Orchestra in the Rs, which is where you look first.
> dl
> Malcolm Rockwell wrote:
>> It does.
>> Right after the issue number Rust-Forbes shows "(RGO)", which stands for 
>> Roof Garden Orchestra.
>> Ta-da!
>> Mal
>> *******
>> David Lennick wrote:
>>> Interesting that Rust-Forbes doesn't show Roof Garden Orchestra as "pseudonym 
>>> for..". It's Ronnie Munro's Dance Band, both Munro and Sarony heard, c. May 28, 
>>> 1928.
>>> Ronnie Munro, p/arr/dir; Frank Wilson, Lloyd Shakespeare, tpts; Lew Davis, tb; 
>>> Charlie Swinnerton, Ben Davis, cl/as; Arthur Lally, cl/as/bar; Buddy 
>>> Featherstonhaugh, cl/ts/vn; Barry Mills, 2nd p; Len Shevill, bj/g/bb/sb; Max 
>>> Bacon, d/vib; Rudy Starita, x.
>>> dl
>>> Jeff Lichtman wrote:
>>>> Can anyone give me the recording date and line-up for Don't Do That 
>>>> to the Poor Puss Cat by Roof Garden Orchestra, Parlophone R 160, 
>>>> matrix 1972-2? I know the singer is Leslie Satony.
>>>> Thanks.
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