[78-L] Hear My Prayer

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Tue Mar 9 15:25:25 PST 2010

> Of the two versions of "Hear My Prayer", I believe the first is superior to the second in two particular areas:  first of all, the sound of the voice.  This piece is very plaintiff and when Lough made the first recording, he was just a member of the choir.  The voice sounds a bit nervous and humble and lends itself perfectly to the words.  When he made the second version he was a celebrity, well-known for many records he had made and he approached the mike with pride and confidence.  I feel this detracts from the performance.  The second reason is purely musical and personal.  Just before "O for the wings of a dove" begins, there is a huge cut in the music, (to accomodate a single 12 inch record).  In the complete version, this line is sung over a tonic in the pedal, (G), and the recap is over the dominant in the pedal, (D).  The recap is all we hear in the Lough recording and in the earlier version, the organ played it as such - over the "D", which is
>  far more musical for my taste.  The later recording is over the "G".
> db
> _________

The second recording is also almost 30 seconds shorter, but I haven't compared 
the two of them note for note.


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