[78-L] Hear My Prayer

DAVID BURNHAM burnhamd at rogers.com
Mon Mar 8 01:08:49 PST 2010

From: Michael Shoshani <mshoshani at sbcglobal.net>

*That* doesn't surprise me; if I recall correctly, that record sold so
many pressings that everything wore out. I'm sure it was dubbed fairly
quickly, perhaps more than once.  But general issues wouldn't have been
subjected to that; they wouldn't have sold in such high numbers.


No, they went one better.  In my original posting I mentioned "both versions".  The original recording, (from, I think, March 1927), was unexpectedly very successful and they did wear out all the stampers; so they brought everybody back to the Temple Church in, (once again, I think), November 1927 to re-record it, this time prepared for a larger production.


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