[78-L] Research Question: Jim Walsh

Gregg Kimball gdkimball at cox.net
Tue Feb 23 15:45:53 PST 2010

Thanks, Don!  The Library of Congress material should be my starting point, 
but it may give me citations that I'll query you about.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Chichester" <dnjchi78 at live.com>
To: <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [78-L] Research Question: Jim Walsh

> I own an almost complete set of Hobbies magazine from before 1940, in 
> which Jim Walsh wrote his monthly column and other articles for record 
> collectors.  I live in Roanoke VA, a few miles from Walsh's home in 
> Vinton; I pass it about three times a week.  Contact off-list with any 
> questions.
> Don Chichester
>> From: gdkimball at cox.net
>> To: 78-l at 78online.com
>> Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 08:25:06 -0500
>> Subject: [78-L] Research Question: Jim Walsh
>> Hello everyone,
>> I am doing some research to try to determine the extent and operations of
>> the "Richmond Territory" in the late 1920s ans early 1930s, as described 
>> in
>> Talking Machine World. That is, the business region surrounding Richmond,
>> Virginia, to which Richmond record and victrola dealers were selling. I
>> made copies of many articles related to the Virginia trade from TMW a 
>> number
>> of years ago. I am also working through some newspaper sources in 
>> Virginia.
>> In poking around the internet, I saw Tim Gracyk's interesting article on 
>> Jim
>> Walsh, which mentioned his article "Selling Records in a Mountain Town,"
>> published in the September 1929 issue of TMW. I intend to go look at
>> Walsh's papers at the Library of Congress, but I know he published
>> extensively. Could anyone here identify other "must read" articles that
>> Walsh wrote describing his record selling experiences in Virginia?
>> Any other ideas for research would be welcome.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Gregg Kimball
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