[78-L] Record Stores (was: Cany Anyone Identify this Singer

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Wed Feb 10 21:17:19 PST 2010

Mark L. Bardenwerper, Sr. wrote:
> read this  http://www.vinylives.com/history.html
Another article by a collector of the microgroove era, James P. Goss,  
full of mainly guesswork and reference to a website of a store and one 
book of dubious value.  But if he had wanted info of the Commodore 
Record Shop, he could also have looked at the DVD of Billy Crystal's 
tribute to his uncle Milt Gabler.  And there are loads of other places 
to find real info.

 > Finding definitive evidence surrounding the creation of the first 
independent record stores is difficult.

No it wouldn't be if you would do some damn RESEARCH before you write. 

 > However, my hunch is that many of the first record stores resulted 
from some of the early distribution networks

Your HUNCH???????  That is research????????  You write about your HUNCH???

I guess this is going to have to be my next ARSC project.  Note to 
would-be researchers :  You have to use ORIGINAL SOURCES.  All the info 
IS there,  you just have to LOOK for it.  In a LIBRARY.  Ever hear of one? 

Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com 

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