[78-L] Was: Glantz and Raderman brewing up a storm Now: Worthless Hack^

David Lewis uncledavelewis at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 10 10:31:41 PST 2010

Glen Richards wrote:
"grimriper2u" is a hack - many titles he/she/it posted to Internet
Archive are *not* public domain; he/she/it stripped my copyright notice
from files on my website and posted them as his/her/its own, *after*
incompetently re-sampling them.
Sorry for the rant, but I have no love for this person - because of
h/h/i actions, I've had to constantly fight with Internet Archive to
have the files removed. It's constant crap like this that has caused me
to stop creating new content for my website. It's taken the fun out of
what was an enjoyable hobby.
Indeed, thanks for the warning Glen. I have not investigated the sound
holdings on the Internet Archive very deeply, but even with what little
I've seen I've noted that "yeah, it looks like some of the stuff 'grimriper2u'
is from CDs I know. I wonder how they can do that?," I pondered, innocently. 

Uncle Dave Lewis
uncledavelewis at hotmail.com 		 	   		  
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