[78-L] Looking to identify/locate female singer

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sat Jan 30 19:15:36 PST 2010

xFrom the label description, it seems more likely to be someone like Ruby 
Murray or Eve Boswell.


Thomas Stern wrote:
> Would she remember the name if she heard it?
> I don't know when the following were issued/reissued, but there are UK Columbia's by:
>   Alice Nielsen
>   Eva Turner
>   Elsa Stralia
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 78-l-bounces at klickitat.78online.com
> [mailto:78-l-bounces at klickitat.78online.com]On Behalf Of David Lennick
> Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 8:09 PM
> To: 78-L Mail List
> Subject: Re: [78-L] Looking to identify/locate female singer
> That's the label type I thought she meant. So, over to folks across the pond.
> Earl? Tosti's "Good-Bye" on a mid 50s Green label Columbia?
> dl
> Glenn Longwell wrote:
>> Thanks for checking David.  She sent me a label image saying this is the type of label it is and is fairly certain of it. You
> can see the label type here:
>> http://www.majesticrecord.com/greencol.htm
>> Glenn
>> --- On Sat, 1/30/10, David Lennick <dlennick at sympatico.ca> wrote:
>> From: David Lennick <dlennick at sympatico.ca>
>> Subject: Re: [78-L] Looking to identify/locate female singer
>> To: "78-L Mail List" <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
>> Date: Saturday, January 30, 2010, 6:39 PM
>> I've looked in English Columbia catalogues from 1954 and 1957 and the only
>> "Goodbye" songs are one from White Horse Inn, sung by Richard Tauber, and the
>> one played by Benny Goodman. Not even Tosti's Addio (Goodbye..Forever) which is
>> the one sung by Ponselle (Victor Red Seal).
>> As far as I know, English Columbia had a green label only from the mid 50s on,
>> for its pop series, unless this is a really ancient recording on the label
>> which World Records revived in the 70s.
>> dl
>> Glenn Longwell wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone, I got the following email from someone hoping I could help identify who might have sung a song she knew from long
> ago.  It is from a UK green Columbia label.  Below is part of her email to me.  Any ideas?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Glenn
>>> When I was a child, a neighbour gave me a heap of 78s which I played over and over again - amongst them was a song called
> 'Good-bye',  but I couldn't recall who it was sung by.  It was a record I played most of all.  Of course over the years and
> growing up, it must have got broken and I no longer have it,  and have been looking for this Song ever since!  However, there was
> some confusion - both over the actual Song and who actually sang it;  every search that I do on the Internet, (and of course I was
> spelling it without the 'hyphen' which may have confused matters) kept bringing up different Songs with the same title, and ones
> that were sung by different people;  it was as if this Song I remember never existed at all - until recently,  when I stumbled
> upon the Song at long last,  but being sung by two different Singers on YouTube.
>>> Now,  I do know that the one I had was by yet a different Artist than any of the two I have managed to locate - but it is
> definitely the same Song.  The two Singers are: 'Rosa Ponselle' and 'Florence Hinkle'.    All I remember is,  is that the copy I
> had was a much later recording, (only because the bulk of records I was given were from over around a ten year period - probably
> that of say 1948 - 1958)  and had been issued on the 'green' Columbia Record Label.   It was a soprano voice.  (probably an older
> lady - but am unsure)  She may well have been English because I live in the United Kingdom,  but again; could be anyone...

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