[78-L] Copyright Criminals on PBS

Graham Newton gn at audio-restoration.com
Fri Jan 22 07:37:29 PST 2010

Cary Ginell wrote:

> Finally saw the "Copyright Criminals" show on PBS and was more than 
> disappointed. It spent the whole time on hip-hop artists and didn't really 
> delve more deeply into the subject of exploiting copyrighted works without 
> permission. It concerned producers who are making "mash-ups" consisting of 
> taking samples from existing recordings and editing them together to make 
> a new song. Big deal.  etc, etc...

VERY WELL SAID, Cary... You took the words right out of my mouth, and probably 
that of a lot of other people as well!

Hip-hop and rap IS CRAP, plain and simple, and most of the so-called "artists" 
couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.

They are mostly gangsta wannabees whose prime vocation is gun running and 
dealing drugs!  It continues to amaze me that they can put more than two words 
together at a time, and record companies promote them!

The mind boggles!

... Graham Newton

Audio Restoration by Graham Newton, http://www.audio-restoration.com
World class professional services applied to tape or phonograph records for
consumers and re-releases, featuring CEDAR's CAMBRIDGE processes.

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