[78-L] Little bitty bids and bidders

neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 12:28:58 PST 2010

I typically bid at the last minnit so that I don't drive something 
up...and if someone wants an item for many more times than I am willing 
to pay, they can have it. Or I adjust my expectation.

joe salerno

Taylor Bowie wrote:
> As a frequent bidder on eBay,  I am often amazed at seeing what I call step 
> bidding.  Say for example that I see a record I really want which starts at 
> $4.99 and I bid $102.  So for the time being I "have" it at the starting 
> amount of $4.99  A second bidder comes along and wants it...and many times 
> I'll watch these people first bid $8 and then $10 and then $11 and then 
> $13.50...on and on and on,  many times within an hour...finally they get up 
> to $35 and give up,  but they've made a dozen or more separate bids!!
> I mean...do they really want the record?  And if so,  don't they start out 
> with some concept of what they want to pay for it?
> Yesterday I was able to score the Earl Burtnett Blue Wax Columbia I was 
> missing.  Early in the day I put a fat bid on it...and a couple hours later 
> I put one more extra-fat bid on it.
> During the last two minutes a couple of bidders drove my bid up about eight 
> times in these short amounts.
> Why not just decide what you want to pay,  bid,  and leave it at that?
> If any of you use that step bidding technique,  I'd just like to know why, 
> as it rarely works.
> Taylor
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: <neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com>
> To: "78-L Mail List" <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
> Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 11:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [78-L] Buffalo Bill Berliner sells for $6200
>> yes I did look, but thanks for your analysis, some things I had not
>> realized brought to my attention
>> So you would not bid at something even if you really really wanted it
>> badly? just because you would have to pay what you were willing to pay,
>> even tho someone else would have paid much less?
>> Not me. I bid what I am willing to pay if I want something bad enough,
>> then I pay that amount
>> I don't bid what I am not willing to pay, altho I see that I could lose
>> something by not taking a chance and bidding way above a current bid
>> joe salerno
>> Michael Biel wrote:
>>>  I am no longer willing to bid on auctions where I am charged my maximum
>>> bid even though the next highest bidder (if any) was willing to pay much
>>> less.  So Nauck and eBay are about all I do.
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