[78-L] The difference between 78 and 33 RPM records

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Wed Dec 30 21:44:22 PST 2009

Steven C. Barr wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: <fnarf at comcast.net>
>> Those aren't really grooves, they're just, you know, suggestions. Where 
>> the needle might like to go.
> Methinks the "author" confused GROOVES (all analog records have one spiral 
> groove!) with
> TRACKS (or cuts)...most (but not ALL) 78's had only one per side. 

Actually that's not strictly correct either. Puzzle records (and Monty Python's 
Matching Tie and Handkerchief, and Mel Allen's Baseball Game, and Henny 
Youngman's Rhino LP) had 2 or more parallel grooves, and sound effects and mood 
music records generally had two or more unjoined grooves, to prevent their 
being played through.

> I posted a 
> correction to
> that site...!
It'll need more than one correction to clear up that mess....!


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