[78-L] FW: Alex Steinweiss article

Cary Ginell soundthink at live.com
Mon Dec 28 12:41:52 PST 2009

Here's the initial response Liesl sent to me. Since she appears to be honestly unenlightened, I have been keeping my comments respectful. She seems interested in seeing evidence of the truth (or at least her editor was). As you can see, even her qualifying statements are wrong. I doubt if she has ever held a 78 album in her hands to know what they actually are. I think she believes that Steinweiss's covers are merely older LP jackets and that all 78s were packaged in the same way LPs were, in 12" plain sleeves (I've never seen any that were packaged like this.) I don't think she understands fully the concept of what a 78 album looked like or that multiple disc collections even existed.

Cary Ginell

> Subject: RE: Alex Steinweiss article
> Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 09:05:15 -0800
> From: Liesl.Bradner at latimes.com
> To: soundthink at live.com
> Hi Cary, 
> thank you for your comments. as you can see I wrote MOST albums were packaged in plain brown paper sleeves with no lyrics or credits, as this is what I found in my research. You are correct in stating that I am not a album collector, I do write about Art and try to be as thorough with my research. I did interview Kevin Reagan, the author of the Steinweiss book and he told me that the MAJORITY of albums at the time Alex came along did not contain lyrics etc. They did have the title of the album but the point being that Alex brought forth illustrations, designs etc. 
> Could you send me the link to the albums that displayed artwork as I was unable to find any and I can pass this note along to my editor...
> Again, thank you for your interest.
> Liesl Bradner
> Calendar Section
> The Los Angeles Times
> 202 W. 1st Street
> Los Angeles, CA 90012
> 213/237-5861
> liesl.bradner at latimes.com

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