[78-L] Odd Man Out^

Al Haug westbankal at gmail.com
Fri Dec 25 17:00:29 PST 2009

They did in movies, apparently. For sure people like Joe Houston did
in the next decade. But not in Belfast. Maybe.

2009/12/25 Julian Vein <julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk>:
> Bit off topic. Recently watched the 1946 Carol ("The Third Man") Reed's
> "Odd Man Out", a film of unremitting gloom about about a wounded IRA man
> (James Mason) being pursued by the authorities in Belfast. It's all
> perfectly believable until Mason's girlfriend enters a dance hall ("No
> jitterbugging"!) where the band plays the same incessant, unvarying riff
> for about a minute. And, of course, there was jitterbugging. Presumably
> Reed had no idea about what went on in a dance hall or left it someone
> else to direct. Or did bands back then play like that?
>      Julian Vein

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