[78-L] Marta de la Torre

Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Wed Dec 16 22:13:26 PST 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "DAVID BURNHAM" <burnhamd at rogers.com>
> Does anyone have discographical information for Edison Diamond discs?
> I have been asked by the great grandson of Marta de la Torre to transfer a 
> couple of her discs, including two Edisons. One is "Hindu Chant" and 
> "Bygone Days" and the other has just a beige lable with nothing on it, (I 
> have a number of these from which, I assume, the labels somehow fell off). 
> Its number is 51103 L and 51103 R, (I doubt if these are two stereo 
> channnels of the same piece). I'm interested in knowing how prolific Marta 
> de la Torre was and how many other Edison discs there may be by her.
Now, to answer your original question...

1) Much discographic information concerning Edison Diamond Discs has been 
however, I don't know how much has been "web-ized!"

2) Paper Edison labels regularly fall off of the records; in fact, IIRC, it 
is possible
to buy replacements, but they have to be written out...!

Steven C. Barr 

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