[78-L] They are practically Giving away the Vitaphone DVD set!

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Fri Dec 11 19:31:44 PST 2009

From: "Steve Shapiro" <steveshapiro1 at juno.com>
> When you order the 6 dvd set, a code comes up which says MOD.
> The company says that MOD dvds are not mass-produced, but Made On Demand.
> I presume this is each time someone orders such items.

Yes, this was discussed when the Warner Archive series was first
introduced back a year or two ago.  I mentioned in my discussions here
that these are DVD-Rs but are nicely printed so that you wouldn't
notice.  It is designed to allow for items of limited interest without
having to warehouse quantities or distribute them to stores.  This is
similar to what Greenwood Press is doing for some of its discographies,
and what the Smithsonian does with the Folkways and Cook recordings.

> Perhaps our business is keeping someone in job./steve

That is a nice thought in this economy, and I am happy to support this
end of the commercial disc business because it is giving the company a
clear denotation of what materials ARE of interest.  Each sale here is a
definite sale, while sending them to stores can often result in returns
from the store.  If films like these sell well enough to support their
production, hopefully more will be released.  I have a feeling that this
set is partially a result of the interest in the Jazz Singer box, both
in sales and in word of mouth/internet.  

Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com

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