[78-L] Record Clamps Usefulness

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Tue Dec 1 11:34:16 PST 2009

You'll know if the record is at risk..I've used a weight (not a clamp) for 
years. It came out of a CBC studio. Now, because I reverse the record mat 
(rubber up or felt up) depending on what I'm playing (and this also serves to 
remind me which cartridge is in the arm), I find that most 78s will stay in 
place on the felt side without the need of being held down except in extreme 
circumstances. Where the weight really comes in handy is when I'm playing super 
thin 70s LPs, especially French RCAs which are ALWAYS dished.


Royal Pemberton wrote:
> I wouldn't advise it, with the risk of cracking or breaking them.
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Kristjan Saag <saag at telia.com> wrote:
>> No risk to the records, but watch your toes.
>> Kristjan
>> --
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: <beststuff4u at frontiernet.net>
>> To: <78-L at 78online.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 5:46 PM
>> Subject: [78-L] Record Clamps Usefulness
>>> Does anyone use record clamps on their 78s? What are the benefits? Any
>>> risks to the records?
>>> Thank you.
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