[78-L] Longest title

Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Sun Nov 15 20:23:59 PST 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Biel" <mbiel at mbiel.com>
> From: Patrick Feaster <pfeaster at gmail.com>
>> Steven C. Barr writes: "I shall try to see if I can create an
>> EXTREMELY long German word based thereupon...?!"
>> In the spirit of keeping things on topic: passengers aboard that Danube
>> steamship who were kept awake at night by the captain's noisy talking
>> machine, and who found him unwilling to "put a sock in it," might have 
>> asked
>> whether he would at least consider some
>> - Patrick
> Easy for YOU to say!  And just how do you plan on getting this title on
> a record (and still leave space for the recording)?
> Mike (my spell chek does not like that word) Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com
Sadly, "SpellCheck" (in all its many varieties) sprecht Deutsch nicht! It 
on German computers (although keeping it up to date would be a MAJOR
challenge...?!). I would recommend our listeners read Mark Twain's essay
on German "extensible" words...in his 19th-century day, much of the US
mid-west was populated by Germans fleeing yet another revolution in
their homeland. Where I grew up (central Illinois), one stood a better 
of being understood in German than English!

Steven C. Barr 

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