[78-L] Challenge 114???

Malcolm Rockwell malcolm at 78data.com
Tue Nov 3 08:26:18 PST 2009

Oops. Original artists are:
X305 - The Royal Troubadors (v - Artie Mehlinger)
X300 - Harry Pollack & His Club Maurice Diamonds (v - Arthur Hall)


Malcolm Rockwell wrote:
> They are both from Gennett - mxes X305 (rec. 10/04/26) & X300 (rec. 
> 10/01/26), respectively.
> Once again, the recording dates supersede any other current references.
> Mal
> *******
> Taylor Bowie wrote:
>> Mr. Barr indicated in a post that all 100-series Challenges are from 
>> Gennett.
>> I have the following and I can't find any reference for it in Gennett or 
>> Emerson or Plaza...what could the source be for:
>> Challenge 114-A  Fenwyck's Novelty Dance Orchestra:  GIVE ME A UKULELE
>>                 114-B  Royal North West Collegians: SUNDAY
>> Any info appreciated...both sides have merit,  and the latter is fairly 
>> jazzy.
>> Taylor
> _

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