[78-L] Pallesen Radio

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Sun Nov 1 20:20:52 PST 2009

From: "David Lewis" <uncledavelewis at hotmail.com>
>> Great early Danish ad for radio:
>> http://www.europafilmtreasures.eu/PY/310/see-the-film-pallesen_radio'
>> But isn't the date of "1915" impossibly early for the type
>> of radio on sale here?

From: "Steven C. Barr" <stevenc at interlinks.net>
> Radiotephony became possible once it became possible to generate
> the requisite "carrier wave!" This, in turn, was possible once
> "Audions" could function as oscillators. This date should be
> readily available...?!

David is right.  Of course this film is from much later than 1915. 
Steve, don't make this more difficult than it needs be, your answer has
no relevance to whether a radio that looks like this and would pick up
musical broadcasts could have existed in 1915.  There was no musical
broadcasting in 1915.  Europe was in the midst of World War I in 1915. 
This radio has a built-in loudspeaker, and this was not common in the
early 1920s, let alone 1915.  The square tabletop styling of the two
radios shown are also of a MUCH later date than 1915.  Just because
sound could be transmitted doesn't mean that THIS SPECIFIC FILM could
come from 1915.  There is so much that is not 1915 about this that it
makes no sense to try to defend the 1915 date by using these totally out
of left field "factoids".  You know the way things were in 1915.  This
film makes no sense at being 1915, and trying to say that it could be
1915 just because radiotelephony was technically possible is an exercise
in trying to confuse people who might not know better.  Don't do things
like that.

Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com  

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