[78-L] ARSC Preservation Grant Award 2009

Bill Klinger klinger at modex.com
Tue Oct 6 17:37:57 PDT 2009

The Outreach Committee of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections
(ARSC) posts the following message. If you have any questions, please click
on the link below.


The ARSC Preservation Grants Committee is pleased to announce the recipient
of the Grant for Preservation of Classical Music Historical Recordings. The
program for these grants was founded in 2004 by Al Schlachtmeyer and the
ARSC Board of Directors, to encourage and support the preservation of
historically significant sound recordings of Western Art Music by
individuals and organizations.

--- The Detroit Symphony Orchestra ---

The orchestra was awarded $10,000 for its Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Archives Audio Preservation Project.

This project assists in preserving and re-housing the historical recordings
of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Additionally, the project helps make
these recordings accessible to scholars and members of the public.

The preservation project will begin with audiotape recordings of broadcasts
made in the 1950s, which are in danger of deterioration because of age and
former storage conditions. The collection includes many performances
involving African-American composers and performers, and documents the work
of Music Directors Paul Paray, Sixten Ehrling, and Antal Dorati.

With in-kind contributions from the Symphony and its Annual Fund, Save
America's Treasures, and the National Historic Publications and Records
Commission, the project forms part of the strategic plan of the orchestra's
new Music Director, Leonard Slatkin.

For more information about the Grants for Preservation of Classical Music
Historical Recordings, visit

The deadline for receipt of applications for the next grant cycle is
December 15, 2009.

The Association for Recorded Sound Collections is a nonprofit organization
dedicated to the preservation and study of sound recordings -- in all genres
of music and speech, in all formats, and from all periods. ARSC is unique in
bringing together private individuals and institutional professionals --
everyone with a serious interest in recorded sound.

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