[78-L] Music Trade Review & The Axe

zimrec at juno.com zimrec at juno.com
Wed Sep 30 15:09:57 PDT 2009

By chance, I came across two web sites that could be of interest to 78-L'ers.  The first is Music Trade Review, a national publication.  http://www.mbsi.org/mtr/ has them digitized online with text search capabilities.  Issues digitized start in 1880 and continue thru 1954.  I'm not sure if that is a complete run, as I've only looked at a couple issues in the mid-1920s.

The other publication is The Axe, available at the National Library & Archives in Quebec - http://bibnum2.banq.qc.ca/bna/axe/.  The publication - 1922-1924 available online - is in English, but the site is strictly in French.  To view a particular issue, click on the year at left.  That brings a drop-down menu of months.  Keep clicking until you get to page listing.  Format is PDF.  By clicking on first page, you can scroll through a whole issue.  I came across a specific page when I searched for Harry J. Conley + Rice and Old Shoes.  Conley's picture was on a sheet music cover I had, the inscription indicating that he sang the song in a show of the aforementioned title.  I was curious about where the show may have played since neither it nor the song were listed in the Internet Broadway Database.  That took me the following page: http://bibnum2.banq.qc.ca/bna/axe/src/1924/09/09/82958_1156.pdf on which there is an ad for the Imperial Theatre.  The Axe was a Montreal based publication.


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