Roger Wade rwade1947 at comcast.net
Wed Aug 26 18:07:28 PDT 2009

Hi Ray,

There are two types of listings on ebay, Auction and Fixed Price (Buy  
It Now).

Some auction listings also have an option to Buy It Now, but this is  
always higher than the minimum bid price.  Once an auction bid has  
been placed the Buy It Now option disappears.

It sounds like you are looking at a fixed price Buy It Now listing  
with no auction component.  If it was an auction the bid button would  
be prominently located on the listing page.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Roger Wade
Really Old Records






On Aug 26, 2009, at 9:02 PM, RAY KILCOYNE wrote:

> I have never purchased anything from Ebay and I have one simple  
> question.  How do I place a bid?  I know it sounds stupid.  There  
> is a Buy It Now button at one price.  I'd like to bid a lower price  
> but can't find anyplace to click.  There is no mention of current  
> bid amount.  There are three days left in auction.  If I have to  
> pre-register or sign in I'll pass it by and find it elsewhere.
> RayK
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