[78-L] Rhythmic "sprituals" of the early 1930s

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Fri Aug 14 20:58:01 PDT 2009

Did we list Arlen's "Get Happy"? If not, shame on us!


Taylor Bowie wrote:
>> Got it.  I'm just coming at it it from the other end, Cary. I'm much more
>> familiar with gospel music than Tin Pan Alley, and it just seems strange 
>> to
>> imply a generic style of revival song in this period (or any other). 
>> Sounds
>> like a totally pop phenomena with little real connection to gospel music.
>> Gregg
> Well,  I'll put it yet another five cents for Willard Robison,  in whose 
> songs and music I detect something very much akin to things which are often 
> addressed in spirituals.
> Taylor

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