[78-L] V-Disc - Vinyls/Shellacs.

davdieh at aol.com davdieh at aol.com
Fri Jul 31 14:16:46 PDT 2009

Clark Phonograph Co. was located in Newark, New Jersey. George Clark pressed for a lot of indie labels: Oberstein's Elite and Hit;
early Capitol; and Asch. It was the parent of Manor.
-David Diehl

Bertrand CHAUMELLE chaumelle at orange.fr:
Formvar was used for V-Discs after shellac and before vinyl; that's 
what Sears explained in his first volume, as I recall.

Le 31 juil. 09, à 04:40, David Weiner a écrit :

> David Weiner wrote:
>>  There are also numerous V-discs pressed on a
>> styrene-type of vinyl, I think done by World.
> I think I know the ones you mean..not styrene, but a very hard plastic.
> These
> were done by Clark Phonograph Co. Look for the indented ring a quarter 
> inch
> inside the label.
> dl
> _______________________________________________
> That's them! Who was Clark and who else did they press for?  I think 
> they
> were pressed on a vinyl-esque compound called Formvar.
> Dave

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