[78-L] Juvenile behavior (mine)

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sat Jul 18 16:37:58 PDT 2009

I recall hearing that Jeff Healey dropped one and it split into two 
single-sided discs. I have no idea if this actually happened or if DDs are 
structured so that they COULD split, since I thought the core was uniform.


Taylor Bowie wrote:
> Somebody mentioning "burning 78s" reminded me of an experiment I made about 
> 20 years ago.  A friend and I took a worthless and spoiled (large digs) 
> Edison Diamond Disk and tried to break it (yes,  we had too much free time).
> We tossed it out of a third story window onto concrete,  kicked it like a 
> football (ouch),  etc. etc.  Didn't work
> Finally we set it at an angle against the curb and I drove my car ('84 
> Eldorado,  damn heavy) over the thing and it finally broke.
> I was just curious if anyone else had ever tried such "experiments" with an 
> Edison DD and if so,  what happened?
> Taylor

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