[78-L] Library of Congress 78s was Large University Throwing away records?

Thomas Stern sternth at attglobal.net
Tue Jul 7 17:08:19 PDT 2009

The Library of Congress issued two series of 78s which I am aware of,
  a series of traditional (folk) music from the Archive of American Folk
  a series of Poetry Readings held at the LoC.
Most or all the 78s were transferred to LP.
PL 1 Katherine Garrison Chapin, Mark Van Doren, Wystan Hugh Auden and
Richard Eberhart
PL 2 Louise Bogan, Paul Engle, Marianne Moore, and Allen Tate
PL 3 T.S. Eliot
PL 4 John Gould Fletcher, John Malcolm Brinnin, William Carlos Williams, and
Robert Penn Warren
PL 5 e.e. cummings, Robinson Jeffers, Theodore Spence, and John Crowe Ransom
PL 6 Robert Frost
PL 7 William Meredith, Yvor Winters, Randall Jarrell, and Karl Shapiro
PL 8 Herbert Read, Phelps Putnam, John Berryman, and Horace Gregory
PL 9 Delmore Schwarts, Richard Blackmur, Stephen Spender, and Elizabeth
PL 10 Theodore Roethke, Witter Bynner, Robert Fitzgerald, and Mary
PL 11 Robert Lowell, Conrad Aiken, William Empson and Archibald MacLeish
PL 12 Muriel Rukeyser, Howard Baker, L onie Adams and Janet Lewis
PL 13 Whitman the Man, a lecture by Gay Wilson Allen
PL 14 Whitman the Poet, a lecture by Mark Van Doren
PL 15 Whitman the Philosopher, a lecture by David Daiches
PL 16 Walt Whitman Speaks for Himself, a reading by Arnold Moss, pt. 1
PL 17 Walt Whitman Speaks for Himself, a reading by Arnold Moss, pt. 2
PL 18/19 Interview with H.L. Mencken (Two recordings)
PL 20/21/22 An Album of Modern Poetry: An Anthology Read by the Poets
PL 23 Stephen Vincent Benet and Ben Muir
PL 24 John Peale Bishop and Maxwell Bodenheim
PL 25 Robert Hillyer and John Hall Wheelock
PL 26 I.A. Richards and Oscar Williams
PL 27 John Ciardi and W.D. Snodgrass
PL 28 Daniel G. Hoffman and Ned O’Gorman
PL 29 Nine Pulitzer Prize Poets Reading Their Own Poems
PL 30 William Jay Smith Reading His Poems for Children
PL 32/33 Robert Lowell Reading His Own Poems
HPL 1 El Contemplado: Tema con Variaciones by Pedro Salinas
HPL 2 Gabriela Mistral
HPL 3 Two Colombian Poets: Eduard Carranza and Germain Pardo Garcia
HPL 4 Readings by Julio Cortazar

  Many of the folk series were reissued on CD by Rounder Records.
  The Poetry series is available on Tape.
  So far I don't think they have discovered CD-R.

An LP series of folk recordings from commercial sources was issued for the
bi-centennial and
are available on tape.  I have a vague sense they were looking into
re-releasing them
on CD but licensing problems may have killed this.
  There were also a series of chamber music concerts at LoC which were
recorded, some
were issued on CD by ALBANY Records (that may not be the label, but one like
it)... also
a concert with Josh White iirc....
  Other Library of Congress recordings have been issued commercially.  Jelly
Roll Morton/Alan Lomax - issued on 78's by Circle, LP's by Riverside, CJM,
Swaggie, completely reprocessed on CD by Rounder.
Mississippi John Hurt, Son House, Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly, etc.

ANYONE AT LoC KNOW plans for CD's ????

Best wishes, Thomas.

-----Original Message-----
From: 78-l-bounces at klickitat.78online.com
[mailto:78-l-bounces at klickitat.78online.com]On Behalf Of Dan Van
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 1:32 PM
To: 78-L Mail List
Subject: Re: [78-L] Large University Throwing away records?

Not to change the subject but what can you tell me about the 78 rpm
recordings that came
from the Library of Congress?I acquired several of them some months back at
a garage
sale here in North Bend,Oregon.They were just given to me.One was a
recording by Lang-
ston Hughes.

--- On Tue, 7/7/09, David Lennick <dlennick at sympatico.ca> wrote:

From: David Lennick <dlennick at sympatico.ca>
Subject: Re: [78-L] Large University Throwing away records?
To: "78-L Mail List" <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 11:35 AM

And Bowling Green State University's collection is alive and well.


kunst at email.unc.edu wrote:
> Just a quick note to point out that the John Edwards Memorial
> Collection actually was transferred to a the Southern Folklife
> Collection at UNC-Chapel Hill, where it is very much intact and is used
> quite heavily by researchers. I know there is no shortage of horror
> stories, but this is not one of them.
> Franz
>> At ARSC we were given a very impressive presentation of the donation and
>> digitization of a major West Coast American Folk Music collection at
>> UCLA.  During the Q&A I reminded them (and informed the generally
>> younger audience who had never known) that they were the institution
>> that closed down and sold off the even more impressive Jonathan Edwards
>> Memorial Foundation country archive.
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