[78-L] Fw: Fox-trot

Tyrone Settlemier talk78s.settlemier at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jun 21 21:03:07 PDT 2009

I recieved the following query.  Would anyone like to help this person out?  I can either forward her email address offline, or can forward any reply anyone would be so kind to send.


Online Discographical Project

  I'm doing some research on the foxtrot and noticed that your discography doesn't seem to contain the incidental information found on some records.  I'm looking for the dance 'suggestions', usually printed after or underneath the title, which were used to help sell records.  I.e. fox-trot, charleston, one-step.  etc.  I'm trying to determine more closely around what times these dances may have appeared, and how popular they were at a given time.  I'm particularly interested in any pre-1914 incidences of fox-trot, and any early/mid 20's designations of the charleston.   Does this info exist in any searchable form????

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