[78-L] Capitol 57-60011 Link on Ebay

Han Enderman jcenderman at solcon.nl
Sat Jun 13 18:46:04 PDT 2009

Drummer on label (both Boplicity & Israel) is: 
L.A. Salaam.
Who is this?

Han Enderman
>>> My mistake..there's only one L in that label listing, whatever it is, and I 
can't distinguish beyond L. A. Bel---.


David Lennick wrote:
> Sure does look like L. A. Bellson, doesn't it? And it should be Kenny Clarke.
> dl
> James Harrod wrote:
>> Here is the link:
>> http://tiny.cc/XxJDc
>> I did not provide it earlier as the drum credit is illegible.
>> Jim

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