[78-L] Classy criticism of Chick Bullock [WAS: accents]

Stephen Davies SDavies at mtroyal.ca
Fri Jun 12 08:59:58 PDT 2009

I was looking into the provenance of "Alla en el rancho grande"; was it
written by Silvano Ramos or was it a traditional Mexican folk song? I found
this page which looks at a copyright court case from 1941. It has a short
audio clip which doesn't include the vocal, but the author does comment on
the singer of this recording:

    The audio clip linked above was taken from big band leader Chick
    Bullock’s recording of "Alla in el Rancho Grande" made in 1939 –
    remarkable, in part, for the performer’s insouciance towards
    inflectional differences between American English and Spanish.
excerpted from: UCLA Law & Columbia Law School: Copyright Infringement

- Stephen D

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