[78-L] Mart Kenney

Stephen Davies SDavies at mtroyal.ca
Thu Jun 4 21:49:24 PDT 2009

Taylor B wrote:
While we're on the subject of Canadian dance orchestras,  I'm always
interested in any information about Mart Kenney...his 1938 Bluebird of
There's Honey on the Moon is one of my core faves.

I know Kenney by reputation only.  I did see him at a Calgary Stampede beer
garden in the 1980's, but there wasn't anything special about his locally
hired band.  I can't remember any of his set from that date.

I have an EP of some airchecks, released by Nomad Records, and a CD of
songs from the 1960's, but I have hardly ever heard him on the radio.  The
"Old Disc-Jockey" on Alberta's CKUA didn't play any of Kenney's sides when
Kenney passed away, a year or so ago.  I asked him why and his blunt answer
was that RCA Canada didn't give him any good tunes to record.  Yet if
anyone has a complete set of Kenney's discs, it would be the CKUA library,
I'm sure.

I thought at least his theme would have been appropriate, "The west, a nest
and you".  But even there, that was an old song by the time Kenney recorded
it, having been written in 1922.

I'd appreciate any pointers on where to find his music on CD or wax.

- Stephen D

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