[78-L] Gennett Question

Malcolm Rockwell malcolm at 78data.com
Sat May 30 14:54:07 PDT 2009

more -
It seems that all the below references are to Starr's piano outlet which 
was on South Wabash. Anyone having access to the Chicago Public Library 
should be able to come up with an address. You're closer to Chicago than 
I am, Dave! I'd check the phone directories first. Begin in 1922 and 
work backward and forward from there.


Malcolm Rockwell wrote:
> Kennedy mentions:
> p 162 - 1927 - temporary studio at Starr piano's Chicago store
> p 164 - 1927 - Chicago studio - no location  mentioned
> p 181 - 1927 - Gennett's portable studio on South Wabash in Chicago
> p 188 - 1927-31 -  Chicago studio mentioned but nothing else
> I doubt that Gennett's portable recording truck had anything to do with 
> any Chicago location recordings, though. I'll ask Rick himself next we 
> speak if anything more solid has come to light since he published "Jelly 
> Roll, Bix and Hoagie" (1994).
> Mal
> *******
> David Lennick wrote:
>> I thought they had semi-permanent locations in Chicago. Where's the Rick 
>> Kennedy book?
>> dl
>> Malcolm Rockwell wrote:
>>> Good question.
>>> I suspect Gennett used a portable unit sometimes
>>> but they did have a tie-in with Marsh labs.
>>> Mal
>>> *******
>>> Bill Knowlton wrote:
>>>> Did Starr-Gennett operate a permanent recording studio in Chicago or was it "portable?"
>>>> Thank you!

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