[78-L] Columbia record?

Royal Pemberton ampex354 at gmail.com
Thu May 28 14:21:43 PDT 2009

I forgot to say, 'Brunswick Military Band' is the artiste credit on 8470.

On 5/28/09, Royal Pemberton <ampex354 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well spotted.  Brunswick 8470 (this info from Tyrone Settlemier's
> site) has 'Victory march' as B.25177; the flip is 'Georgia Tech
> medley' (mx B.25251).  Others here will have specific recording dates,
> so they can tell you more than 'about early August 1939'.
> What's the other number on the label?
> On 5/28/09, AllenAmet at aol.com <AllenAmet at aol.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>>   Does anyone have info on this record - would it be in Tim's  opus?
>>  "do you have a Columbia serial number that would match B25177?   I have
>> a
>> red label Columbia record from like the '30s or '40s, it has another
>> number
>> on it but the foregoing number is printed on the label in  parentheses.
>> Artist is Columbia Military Band, but I think it is a  re-issue of an
>> earlier
>> record."
>> Thanks!
>> Allen
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