[78-L] Book review request

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Sat Apr 11 16:17:56 PDT 2009

Taylor Bowie wrote:
>> Wonderful book,  I thought.  Takes a look at many of the pioneer white jazz 
>> players,  including many lesser-known,  and shows how they contributed to 
>> the evolution of the music,  and didn't just copy what earlier black players 
>> had accomplished.
>> There is a well-known local jazz "authority" who refused to read the book on 
>> the grounds that it was "racist"...an absurd and ignorant claim.   The book 
>> is well-written,  informative,  and is as exciting as a good novel.  Taylor B
Is this guy the same one who was thrown off the 78-L for abusive 
postings at the time of the publication of this book?  I don't remember 
our guy claiming he would not read the book, so perhaps there are two 
jerks in the jazz world. 

Mark L. Bardenwerper, Sr. wrote:
>>> Did anyone read this?
>>> I guess I am expecting racial comments all over the map. I am looking 
>>> for historical content, and it sure looks as if this book has it. I 
>>> actually think the race stuff could be overlooked, as the author appears 
>>> not to be making any intentional assertions as to origin or birthright, 
>>> but to bring to light a fresh aspect of the the music. I fear reverse 
>>> racism as much as the original.
Dick Sudhalter was a gentleman and a scholar.  At the time of his recent 
death there were some wonderful obits cited here on the list that show 
that he was far from being a racist.  He was subjected to some of the 
worst nonsensical racist attacks when the book came out, totally unfairly.

Mike (my copy is right next to Lost Sounds) Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com 

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