[78-L] Michael Forman-WAAT, Newark NJ - anyone connected to this station in the 1940's ?

Donna Halper dlh at donnahalper.com
Mon Apr 6 21:57:44 PDT 2009

>Steven wrote--
> >
>The way AM calls were originally assigned, WAAT would have been one of
>the VERY first! They started with WAAA-Z, then WBAA-Z,  and so on...
>this is why WBBM is also a VERY old call!

Umm, no it wouldn't have.  The first were the three-letter calls 
(KDKA was an exception, but calls like WBZ and KYW were given out 
first).  Three letter calls began getting assigned in late 1920/early 
1921. WAAT wasn't assigned till 15 April 1922. 

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