[78-L] Connie Boswell..my, how you've changed! ^

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Fri Apr 3 16:20:32 PDT 2009

It was originally Connie, so the story goes, till one day she got tired of 
dotting the I.

As for the guy in the photo (which I think is hidden upstairs in Michael 
Jackson's attic), not sure what his story is.


Bud Black wrote:
> But didn't our great Boswell sister spell her name "Connee?"  I wonder if
> this guy has sisters named Vetitia and Martha?  Or maybe brothers?
> Bud 
> -------Original Message-------
> From: David Lennick
> Date: 04/03/09 18:05:21
> To: 78L
> Subject: [78-L] Connie Boswell..my, how you've changed! ^
> This morning I was driving along Maple in Buffalo when a billboard caught my
> eye. The photo on it looked like the guy who tried to take over the hospital
> in
> "House" a few seasons back..someone who'd definitely not want to be your
> friendly insurance adviser. The one on this website is a little more
> avuncular.
> And the name of this State Farm agent?
> Connie Boswell.
> http://online2.statefarm.com/b2c/sf/agent/52/1662
> dl
> _______________________

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