[78-L] Muzak is 75

Bob Rice bobrice at snet.net
Tue Mar 31 08:49:29 PDT 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Julian Vein" <julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk>
To: "78-L Mail List" <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: [78-L] Muzak is 75

> zimrec at juno.com wrote:
>   When that finished, it was followed by something even louder and
> faster that gave the impression that I was seated next to a construction
> worker using a jackhammer in cement at the next table.  I now keep a set
> of earplugs in my vehicle.
>> Art
> ================
> I was subjected to something like that at a party on Saturday. I plug my
> ears too. I imagine they use this sort of noise at Guantanamo Bay to
> getting inmates to confess to anything. I know I would!

   Same for a Supper Club event I sometimes go to. The "music" I'm being 
polite here, BLASTS from a "On Line Jukebox with THOUSANDS of ugly , LOUD 
selections, and GAURANTEED somebody will keep it going? Wish you could buy 
"Silence" for what it cost to play the usual crap? I left with a headache!

    SOMEWHERE th point of a supper club is lost; I mean you are supposed to 
be able to talk to people without a megaphone?So earplugs, thou tempting, 
sorta defeats the purpose of the whole thing?

    Oh they DO use modern  crap in torture places! There MUST be something 
in the Geneva Convention, right up there with Gas and nuclear?I think the 
ACLU is on this case?

    Bob.  all for  "Sound of Silence"

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