[78-L] Jimmy and Helen and Doodles and Florence, wuz Re:Pairing artists for greater sales

Kristjan Saag saag at telia.com
Sat Mar 28 18:54:15 PDT 2009

Steven C. Barr wrote:

> Muzak actually lasted 75 years without EVER being actually listened to...!
Muzak realized what Eric Satie understood from the outset: there are 
different ways to perceive music. One is active listening, another is to 
make it part of the surroundings. One is not better or more serious than the 
other. The idea that only "hard listening" music is worth having derives 
from a labour ethic that has nothing to do with art.
Luckily many younger musicians have no prejudice about this: lounge music 
styles are as dear to them as blues or Bartok.

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