[78-L] Hope on RCA, was Re: Pairing artists for greater sales

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Thu Mar 26 11:13:40 PDT 2009

David Lennick wrote:
> Both new to me..interesting. Neither is listed in "Hollywood on Record" either, 
> although that book DOES list "The Quick And The Dead", the title I couldn't 
> remember. 

There are two volumes of The Quick and the Dead, one for the "simple" 
atomic bomb and the other for the hydrogen bomb.  They were from a 
quartet of NBC radio documentaries produced by Fred Friendly when he 
left Murrow and CBS for a short period.  I have 16-inch lacquers of the 
broadcasts and one of the LPs.  These were also on  two 78 sets.

> Also listed is a TV soundtrack "Not So Long Ago", RCA LOC/LSO 1055. 
> Don't know that one.  dl

Robert Russel Bennett music.  Living Stereo banner top.  Was a good TV documentary, part of NBC's Project XX series. It covered the post-war decade.

I have this in mono and stereo and also got the 10-inch LP of the Seven 
Little Foys when it was new.  Bought it myself at Sam Goody's 49th St 
when I was 10 years old.  Also have the 45 EP set.  For someone who's 
ENTIRE broadcasting career was with NBC, it is surprising that he had so 
little presence on RCA Victor records!

Mike Biel   mbiel at mbiel.com 
> David Weiner wrote:
>> Rosie & Bob - two songs from "Alias Jesse James" on a 1959 RCA single - Hope
>> also did a 1956 RCA single of two songs from "That Certain Feeling." 
>> Dave W.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From David Lennick
>> David Weiner wrote:
>>> Rosemary Clooney & Bob Hope
>> On Victor? In fact, on any label? The only Bob Hope on RCA I know of, aside 
>> from his narration on that NBC End of the World program, is The 7 Little
>> Foys.
>> dl
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