[78-L] Electric DD prices

Hawthorn's Antique Audio hawthorn at thoseoldrecords.com
Mon Mar 16 17:27:15 PDT 2009

I'm afraid that electric DDs are becoming a "cult" label.  In other words, title and artist aren't important, it's just the fact that the record is an electric DD that makes it valuable.  Kind of like Berliners or Pink Lambert cylinders.  But there is still hope for those who are more interested in the music content rather than just the label.  Recently, I've had new/old dealer stock electric DDs sell for less than $10 all the way up to several hundred dollars.  In other words, my customers are more interested in the musical content than the label.  And personally speaking from a dealer's point of view, that make me very happy.

Tom Hawthorn
Hawthorn's Antique Audio
hawthorn at thoseoldrecords.com

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