[78-L] Confirm if you're still alive

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Tue Mar 10 12:35:37 PDT 2009

David Lennick wrote:
> As if that weren't enough, I've also received an e-coupon from Denny's which 
> offers a 15% discount when I produce my student ID.
> dl

Does it say it has to be a CURRENT student ID?

Mike (considering all the sodium and fat in a Denny's meal, it would be 
my last) Biel   mbiel at mbiel.com

> Michael Biel wrote:
>> soundthink at aol.com wrote:
>>> Here's a new one.
>>> I'll have to check my pulse to make sure.
>>> Cary Ginell
>> I just had an appointment this afternoon.with my heart "electrician" for 
>> my semi-annual check-up on my pacemaker.  It is still ticking, therefore 
>> I am also.  And I wear a special watch that I can check my pulse with.  
>> Yep, 76.
>> Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com 
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: upsservice <ups_service111 at yahoo.fr>
>>> To: ups_service111 at yahoo.fr
>>> Sent: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 1:29 am
>>> Subject: Reconfirm To UPS" If You Are Still Alive Regarding Your Package/Consignment

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