[78-L] Cdn RATS

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Wed Mar 4 09:46:20 PST 2009

I should have known that! In fact if I'd phoned my mother (no guilt trips, 
thanks) she'd have told me. My folks were both original ACRA members.


Stephen Davies wrote:
> David L. wrote:
> <<<
> Actually, the Canadian performers' union now known as ACTRA (similar to 
> was originally the RATS in the early 40s..this was long before television 
> so 
> I'm not sure what the T stood for.
>         Radio Artists of Toronto Society was formed in 1940.
>         Performers in Vancouver, Montreal and Winnipeg followed suit with 
> similar union councils, and they all coalesced in 1943 as Alliance of 
> Canadian Radio Artists (ACRA). 
> - Stephen D
> Calgary

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