[78-L] Caveat Emptor: Paul Solarski / ebay "lecter54"

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Mon Feb 23 06:43:11 PST 2009

"California reaming"? Never heard that one before!


buster wrote:
> Just in case it matters, this dealer, Paul Solarski, aka "Paul  
> Solarski Rare Records", aka ebay seller "lecter54" and using an email  
> address as "Andrew Solarski" has turned out to be rather bigoted and  
> unpleasant.  Here, in his own unedited words, is probably enough  
> information for you to form your own opinion:
> ------------------------------
> assuming you are gay being from CA.You are a true douchbag.
> I think what these alias postings are are vehicles so losers can find  
> their need to join something so they search for anything to  
> participate with-such as your flimsy complaint-why didn't you state: I  
> am a bottom feeder that buys $1 records. I almost shit in my pants whn  
> I won these for less than a dollar...
> "but can you please send me a brief blurb on your packing methods so  
> I'll be less nervous" so my bottom feeder specials will not get upset.
>  From that I should tell you to go fuck yourself but you are obviously  
> already into California reaming so watch that hershey highway and wear  
> a condom when your boyfriends play with you.
> ------------------------------
> all this for $20 worth of old records, poorly packed.  lots of anger  
> and unresolved issues for this one, it would seem.
> i won't mention him again;  hope someone finds this useful, and if  
> not, ignore.
> -- b

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