[78-L] Raised lettering beneath Columbia label: A2670

Stephen Davies SDavies at mtroyal.ca
Wed Feb 11 12:37:32 PST 2009

Mark H wrote: 
Having taken a look at your scans, I'm pretty sure that what you are 
is not "75c" but rather "758."
        Aha!  You're right.  Strange that you could see that in a scan of 
the disk while I couldn't with my magnifying glass.  So there is balance 
in having a three-digit set of numbers under the label on each side:  758 
for Donovan and 661 for Burr.

Mike B wrote that the stray numeral 4 under the label means:
Take 4 of a record that was very popular. 
        and not the fourth pseudonym used by Burr that day?

        Thanks for coming thru for me, folks. 
- Stephen D


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