[78-L] Robert Bargar

zimrec at juno.com zimrec at juno.com
Wed Feb 4 14:32:20 PST 2009

Last weekend, I bought several hundred pieces of sheet music, mostly popular things from the 1920s-1940s.  It was a take all or nothing situation and, after going through about half of the lot, a pile a bit more than 30 cm, I determined that there was enough there to make it worth my while for the asking price.  Unfortunately, there was a lot of junk like turn of the century editions of classical and semi-classical pieces and method books.  However, there were a number of early 1930s piano novelty pieces by the likes of Rube Bloom and Pauline Alpert.  Among those piano novelty pieces was one by Robert Bargar titled "American," published in 1933 by Robbins Music.  The composer is new to me and I can't seem to find anything about him on the Google.  Does anyone know anything about him?
   One of the unusual and interesting items was a folio of 1929 collaborations by Pete Wendling and Max Kortland.  Several years earlier, they collaborated on "Papa Blues."  Alas, that is not one of the compositions in the folio.


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