[78-L] Earliest Song from a Movie, "The Fireman's Song"

bruce78rpm at comcast.net bruce78rpm at comcast.net
Wed Jan 28 18:26:09 PST 2009

I have U.S. Everlasting Cylinder-The Fireman's Song, sung by Hamilton Hill, and have often wondered about it, since it is sung by a British Singer who did very few selections for American Record Companies.  Like most U.S. Everlasting Cylinders it is remarkably loud and clear, and this one has outstanding sound effects as well, with Galloping horses, a cheering crowd, and the Fire Alarm Bell.   I just found out that there was Actually a Cronophone short film, featuring one Hamilton Hill in 1906 called the "The Fireman's song".  This was a very early film system combining early film with recorded discs. There was even a theatre in this Country.  I wonder if any of these were preserved, including that 1906 Short, featuring Hamilton Hill, presumably singing the Title Song that is heard on U.S. Everlasting #235. See below 



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