[78-L] Six Brown Brothers as Columbia Saxophone Sextette

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Mon Jan 26 13:30:27 PST 2009

I thought they were the Saxo Sextette on Columbia, and that information came 
from Moogk when he was "Ed Manning" on CBC Radio.


Stephen Davies wrote:
>         Moogck provides a list of seven discs in which the Six Brown 
> Brothers disguise themselves as the Columbia Saxophone Sextette.  But I'm 
> finding more Columbia discs recorded under that anonymous name.  How 
> should I treat those?
>         For example,
>                 a blue label Columbia A 2910 is by the Columbia Saxophone 
> Sextette, and has "The crocodile" backed by "Who wants a baby".
>         Is this a Brown Bros. disc or not?  Thanks in advance for any 
> help.
> - Stephen D
> Calgary

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