[78-L] fwd: record sale

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sat Jan 24 09:14:33 PST 2009

(Don't think there are any 78s here, but one never knows, do one? dl)


FAYETTEVILLE, NC Almost 3,000 vinyl LP record albums will be offered at
a public sale to be held Feb. 7-19 at Davis Memorial Library at
Methodist University. The collection consists primarily of classical
recordings, both ex-library holdings and donations, but popular music is
also well-represented.

Arleen Fields, archives librarian at Davis Memorial Library says, ?Our
main goal is to find new homes for these items, or at least keep them
out of the landfill. If we make a little money along the way, even

The first day of the sale each disc will be $1; after that each album
or set (regardless of how many discs are included) will be 50?.  From
Friday, Feb. 20 to Sunday Feb. 22 anything left over will be free for
the taking. Three metal units which hold approximately 600 albums each,
two turntables, two receivers, two dual cassette decks, and two multi-CD
players will also be sold. Bowls (suitable for snacks, planters,
organizers, etc) made from recycled vinyl LPS will be available for
sale.  Instructions for creating other items (such as clocks and jewelry
holders) from old records will be provided.  Approximately 700 albums
will be kept by the library in open stacks for browsing. CD backups
(listening copies) will be made upon request. Lists of items offered for
sale (in PDF and MS Excel format) are available at:

Methodist University is an independent four-year institution of higher
education with over 2,100 students from 41 states and 30 countries.
Methodist University offers over 70 majors and concentrations, three
master?s degree programs, and 19 NCAA III intercollegiate sports. For
more information phone Arleen Fields, archives librarian, at (910)
630-7412 or send an e-mail to afields at methodist.edu.

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